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作者:ku游备用登录入口二    日期:2023-12-09    阅读( )
本文摘要:BEIJING: China has commissioned a fully automated most advanced marine science ship which will be deployed in the Indian Ocean.北京:中国刚服役的最先进设备全自动海洋科学船被部署在印度洋。

BEIJING: China has commissioned a fully automated most advanced marine science ship which will be deployed in the Indian Ocean.北京:中国刚服役的最先进设备全自动海洋科学船被部署在印度洋。The vessel Xiang Yang Hong 01 was commissioned on Saturday in the eastern port city of Qingdao.向阳红01号科学船于周六在东部港口城市青岛交付使用。The 100-metre long ship with displacement of 4980 tonnes and a range of 15000 nautical miles has plentiful remote sensing equipment to explore as deep as 10000 meters.该科学船长约100米,排水量为4980吨,仅次于里程为15000海里,同时配有非常丰富的远程遥测设备,仅次于观测深度为10000米。

The ship will conduct its first task in the Indian Ocean Qiao Fangli Communist Party Secretary of the First Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration said.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所党组织书记乔芳丽讲解到,该科学船将不会在印度洋展开第一次科考任务。



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